Listen, believe, support - Yellow


What happens if I report?

Whether or not you report, it is most important that you make the decision that is best for you. We will always support and believe you, whatever decision you make.

Recently assaulted: what should I do?

Information and advice on what you may want to do if you have been recently sexually assaulted.

How can I tell people what happened?

It is up to you who you do and don’t tell about what has happened. Some people will want to tell their parents, partner, friends or a professional (like a GP or support worker) and some people won’t. It’s important that you do what is best for you.

Have I been raped or sexually assaulted?

You can call SARSAS, whatever you have experienced, and you do not need to be involved with the police or criminal justice system.

Support 2


Trauma can be the event and the way it makes us feel after the event.

Anonymous reporting

Anonymous reporting is the process of passing information to the police about a crime without giving them your information and without officially reporting the incident.

Clare’s Law

Clare’s Law is for anyone who wants to find out if someone they are in a relationship with has a record of abusive offences, or suggest a risk of violence or abuse.


Grounding is a way of helping people to feel calmer. It can help if you feel you are having a flashback, feeling like you are going to dissociate, or if you are having a panic attack.